Lights, Camera, Action! 4 Business Infrastructure Lessons from a TV Game Show that Apply to Your Company, Part 1 of 2

After reading this article you may never look at a TV game show the same as you did before.


Because you are about to gain backstage access to learn about the skillful coordination of people, processes and technology that are required to create a 30-minute segment of one of “America’s longest running and favorite game shows” – Family Feud.

I’ve participated as an audience member at the Family Feud over the past three years.  I can honestly say that, although the venue and some of the staff has changed, the experience has been consistent.  There’s a reason for this consistency – take note of four key lessons that I’ve observed as an audience member that you can also apply to your fast-growing business.


Lesson #1: “It Takes a Whole Village to Raise a Child”

Although this Nigerian proverb references the need for extended family and community to collectively rear children, this concept also applies to your company. In Family Feud’s case, the “village” includes a large staff of producers, directors, casting agents, writers, salespeople, security personnel, audience managers and editors – not to mention the show’s host, Steve Harvey.

Together, this support network collectively ensures the on-time production of their “child” – 30-minute game shows that satisfy their advertisers, contestants and live and at-home audiences. With so many people and moving parts, this type of coordination is difficult without a solid foundation or business infrastructure in place. Business infrastructure specifically addresses all of the tasks (or activities) that need to be performed as well as the correct assignment of people to execute those tasks.

Questions to Ask Yourself:


Lesson #2: Set Realistic Expectations

A staff member assists in directing the audience on the set of Family Feud. Image Credit:
A staff member assists in directing the audience on the set of Family Feud. Image Credit:

Transparency is critical to the success of any organization and Family Feud is no exception.  When you request to participate as an audience member at the Family Feud, there are clear instructions regarding wardrobe as well as the total time you can expect to be on the set.  This is important to know upfront because you can easily spend 4 hours of your time after you arrive.

As audience members are seated, there are staff members who remind you that you must eat and take restroom breaks before taping begins – this is not allowed once the cameras start rolling.

My educated guess is that staff members receive a similar type of instruction during their recruiting and interviewing process.  The work hours are long and brutal since several shows are pre-recorded in one day.  In fact, an entire season is taped in 1-2 months!

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Are the right people in the job?
  • Do your employees work well together?
  • Are communications clear and concise to let customers and staff know what to expect throughout the service delivery process?


Click here to access the next two lessons to apply to your company.

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Lights, Camera, Action! 4 Business Infrastructure Lessons from a TV Game Show that Apply to Your Company, Part 2 of 2

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