How to Grow an Auto Body Shop with Digital Marketing

Never take advice from someone who has nothing to lose by giving it.

Words to live by from a serial entrepreneur, investor, business coach, and digital marketing enthusiast, Darrell Evans. He started his own mortgage company and later, a digital marketing agency where his knack for being an early adopter of digital technologies enabled him to market his business which was critical in keeping his mortgage company afloat during the 2008 U.S. recession. It also caused others to notice Darrell’s unique approach to leveraging the internet to survive the economic uncertainty and his uncanny ability to understand customer behavior.


Darrell gives insights into understanding customized products and services based on customers’ psychology with Alicia Butler Pierre on business infrastructure podcast.

He is also the co-founder of Yokel Local Internet Marketing. He and his team have helped entrepreneurs and companies to generate over $300M in revenue online since 2011. He personally started and operated six businesses since the age of 20.

Customers are difficult to come by, as any auto repair or body shop business owner will tell you and if you’re a startup in auto body shop business, that is the last thing you want to hear.

Unfortunately, many auto repair and auto body shop owners need help understanding or accepting the significance of digital marketing methods, especially in the technology era wherein almost everything is done online.

6-step Framework for Digital Marketing

In his interview with Business Infrastructure Podcast, Darrell shared his 6-step Framework for Digital Marketing, a proven system that helped clients in sales and revenue perspective. He and his team focus on a system that will increase online brand awareness; build boost your clientele regardless of how big or little your company is; and scale the business with low-cost efficiency by following the marketing framework-based questions: How can I tell if the traffic I’m receiving is the proper kind? How can I determine whether I’m getting enough traffic? How can I determine how much of my traffic is actually converting? What if none of my leads are prepared to buy just yet? How can I get the most out of my current clientele? How can I scale this procedure to accommodate future growth?

Step one: Buyer’s Journey

You may develop a successful online marketing strategy if you understand who you are marketing to online. Asking a series of questions to existing clients will help you completely understand who they are and what they want once you’ve determined which existing customers you prefer to work with.

You may communicate to your ideal client directly and provide them the goods or services that will significantly improve their life or business by comprehending what drives them to take action.

Step two: Traffic Source

To establish your online marketing machine, you must consider how you will drive traffic to your website. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as setting up a website and waiting for visitors to get there.

A successful marketing campaign is one that is firing on all cylinders. To drive traffic, a successful marketing strategy will integrate SEO, PPC, and social media marketing. While numbers are important, they are not the only factor to consider when developing your marketing strategy.

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Step Three: Lead Generation Process

The most crucial thing to keep in mind is to choose the precise action you intend your visitors to the site to do and persuade (or convince) them to execute it. Being clear when converting languages is the next most important step.

Most of all, don’t configure your website to make sales. People who aren’t yet interested in purchasing shouldn’t be discouraged from using the website because you can always obtain their credentials and encourage them to purchase once they are ready.

Step four: Conversion Process

To establish a rapport and secure the sale, your lead nurturing approach must have a great base and persistent follow-through.

The mere fact that a visitor clicked on your website does not indicate that the lead is ready for sales. Leads don’t pay the bills, just like traffic, thus it’s crucial to think about ways to turn those leads into revenue.

You must demonstrate to and persuade your top-of-the-funnel leads that your offering is the greatest solution for their needs even though they may not be sure what they want. Trust is what matters most in the end.

Step five: Lifetime Value Equation

Many business owners are so focused on bringing in new customers that they neglect to consider their current clientele. To avoid having a bad business decision, it is always simpler to promote customer retention than to actively seek out new clients. Increasing the average customer lifetime value (CLV) of your present customers will make your marketing engine work much harder for your clients.

LTV forecasts the net profit associated with a continuing relationship between the product and the client. In addition, LTV aids in setting marketing budgets and guarantees that businesses target the most productive users by offering a running estimate of how much a specific customer is likely to spend on that app.

Successful user lifetime value prediction gives businesses a much better foundation on which to base marketing decisions, allowing them to optimize the impact of their advertising budgets.

A company can survive and succeed if it can create and keep strong ties with its clients.

Step six: Scale the Business

The goal of scaling is to grow your company’s revenue exponentially while expanding its resources only slowly.

Scalability is crucial since it boosts revenue without raising costs, improving process efficiency and a business owner’s bottom line.

According to Darrell, it usually takes three to four months to get traffic on a website, which is typical with SEO. The whole process is integrated into a client’s mechanism completely often within the first three to six months.

The principal aim of the six-step framework is to determine the customer journey from start to finish. And how to solve any problem they might encounter through working mechanisms.

Final thought

Your client’s focus must be yours. Understanding your client to create a smooth customer journey is essential to scale your business exponentially. These simple tricks are mechanisms that increase visibility.

All consumers have more than one option. Therefore, you should ensure you are one of their best and most available options.


Remember to tune in to business infrastructure podcast with Alicia Butler Pierre, you can check the links to the resources Darrell recommends including books you can read to learn more about the psychology of your customers. Also check out YokelLocal, the website home of the company Darrell co-founded, where you can learn more about their framework for tapping into customer psychographics.

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