Business Process Design & ImprovementArticle by Alicia Butler PierreDiscover Hidden Jewels Through Business Processes One of the biggest challenges we entrepreneurs face is knowledge transfer. Our expertise is buried not only in our heads, but also in…
Business Process Design & Improvement, Workspace LogisticsArticle by Alicia Butler PierreHow to Fall in Love with Your Taxes I am the first to admit – I used to dread the first quarter of the year. You know, tax season. “Why,” I…
Business InfrastructureArticle by Alicia Butler PierreWhite House Business Lessons – Brace for Change with Business Infrastructure Today, January 20, 2017, the United States of America got a new President. With that comes change. Not only does a change in…
Business InfrastructureArticle by Alicia Butler PierreMust-Read Tips for Detecting PayPal Email Scams Have you ever accidentally deleted (or clicked on something in) an email that you immediately regretted? I certainly have! As business owners and…
Business Process Design & Improvement, Case StudiesArticle by Alicia Butler PierreThe Cost of Bad Decisions – Business Lessons from Samsung(R) Bad news travels fast. Real fast. Earlier this month I was on a flight when the stewardess announced that everyone, “except those passengers…
Records Management, Business Process Design & ImprovementArticle by Alicia Butler Pierre11 Disaster Recovery Tips for Small Businesses August 29, 2016, marks the 11th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. It is known as one of the costliest, deadliest hurricanes in recorded history. …
Business InfrastructureArticle by Alicia Butler Pierre5 Tips to Practice Your Craft for Peak Performance Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved watching the Olympic games. Seeing athletes from all over the world gather in one…
Business InfrastructureArticle by Alicia Butler PierreLights, Camera, Action! 4 Business Infrastructure Lessons from a TV Game Show that Apply to Your Company, Part 1 of 2After reading this article you may never look at a TV game show the same as you did before. Why? Because you are about…
Business InfrastructureArticle by Alicia Butler PierreLights, Camera, Action! 4 Business Infrastructure Lessons from a TV Game Show that Apply to Your Company, Part 2 of 2 In part 1 of this article, I shared the first two lessons: getting the right people to grow your company and being transparent with…
Business Process Design & Improvement, Business InfrastructureArticle by Alicia Butler PierreFrom the Mouths of Babes – 3 Ways Youthful Innovation Can Improve Your Business Children are known to say the “darndest” things, yet out of the mouths of babes can come wisdom beyond measure. I learned this…